Mayflower Christian Resources for Schools

Free-to-photocopy Bible materials for primary school RE lessons

Mayflower Resources for Schools - New Testiment

Are you looking for accurate, creative and enjoyable resources for RE lessons at your primary school – that you can photocopy for free whenever you wish? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

We publish and sell an RE resources manual produced by teachers for teachers – and designed to be especially easy to photocopy for RE lessons.

The manual is intended for Key Stage 2 but could be used for Key Stage 1 as an activity. They can also help teachers in planning RE-themed assemblies.

More than 2,300 of these teaching manuals have been sold to UK primary schools of all types, including schools of different faiths.

Teaching resources for UK primary school RE lessons


Our New Testament Manual is used in more than 700 schools in the UK. It includes teaching notes, stories, picture activities and puzzles for 30 lessons on the life of Jesus.
Price £5

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What teachers say about our manuals for RE lessons …

Our thanks also goes to many teachers for providing feedback. Some of comments are published here … 

“My whole RE curriculum will now be based on your resources. For the past year we have used exclusively the NT book with years 2,3 and 4. I find the resource …varied in its approach, popular with children and most helpful to teachers.”
Headteacher, Sunderland  


“As a new teacher, I find the clarity of the aims and objectives, the accessibility of the resources, the detailed background knowledge given and the range of ideas a real asset in teaching the New Testament within RE. The index is very useful for planning a thematic approach to RE.”
Primary School Teacher, Birmingham


“The lesson plans are clear with aims, background and helpful information. The follow-up sheets provide an opportunity to evaluate the children’s work. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 2 but also applicable to Key Stage 1 as an activity. Very helpful in planning assemblies. The index of Lesson Themes is particularly useful to help with medium terms plans for RE.”
Primary Teacher, Suffolk


“The RE specialist and non-specialist alike would find this photocopy-able resource extremely useful.”
RE Co-ordinator, Primary School, West Midlands