A Muslim's Pocket Guide To Christianity by Malcolm Steer
A Muslim's Pocket Guide To Christianity by Malcolm Steer
This book serves a double purpose. It can be given to Muslim friends and contacts and helpfully explains what true Christianity is, dealing with and clearing away the misconceptions and caricatures which many Muslims believe apply to Christians. It is also a great help to anyone who wants to understand the Muslim faith or draw alongside Muslims so as to witness to them. It reveals the true and living faith in a simple way. It also deals with some particular stumbling blocks for Muslims: such as the gospel of Barnabas and why there are divisions in Christianity. This section should be clearer: the difference between certain branches of Christianity is not just authority, but the emphasis on works and grace. One might also not share the endorsement by the author of certain holy days. The lack of clarity here does not destroy the overall usefulness of the book.
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