Brown's Dictionary Of Bible Characters by John Brown ( Edited by Geoffrey Stonier )
Brown's Dictionary Of Bible Characters by John Brown ( Edited by Geoffrey Stonier )
JOHN BROWN (1722 1787) first produced his Bible Dictionary in 1769. Two further editions in his lifetime remained in print for 100 years, until 1869.
This new work takes all of Brown's references to individuals from his dictionary to produce a new volume Brown's Dictionary of Bible Characters.
He has gathered all the significant Bible names, giving salient facts, and providing many provocative thoughts by way of application.
The range of characters is vast, and sometimes surprising. Jesus, obviously, is not missing but neither are characters like Antichrist. Categories of person are also included - like Angels or Apostles.
This is the most comprehensive - and the best study of characters found in the Bible.
Once you start to dig into these pages you will discover spark and fire - names previously skimmed over develop special relevance. Brown's work demonstrates that we can miss priceless information, information that could make our knowledge of God's grace in redemption so much more vibrant.
GEOFFREY STONIER is the International Director of Preachers' Help. An organisation dedicated to providing resources to help preachers in their God-given work of explaining the scriptures to all who will hear. He has also edited The New Thematic Concordance
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