Men Of Purpose by Peter Masters
Men Of Purpose by Peter Masters
A book which has been a challenge and inspiration for young people for over 30 years. With many illustrations, it presents the lives of pioneer scientists along with historical and unique figures, each providing a powerful testimony to the saving grace of God. Here is an insight into the experiences and achievements of outstanding Christians and their times. 1. The Dawn of Electricity - Michael Faraday 2. Founder of a Food Empire - Henry J, Heinz 3. A Composer's Journey - Felix Mendelssohn 4. The 'Lord Apostol' - Lord Radstock 5. Genius at Work - James Clerk Maxwell 6. The Heart of a Hymnwriter - Philip P. Bliss 7. Brewer who Renounced a Fortune - Fred Charrington 8. Spearhead into the Unknown - Lord Kelvin 9. The Prodigal Poet - James Montgomery 10. Pioneer of Power - Sir John Ambrose Fleming 11. The Father of Modern Journalism - Daniel Defoe
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