Your Reasonable Service by Peter Masters
Your Reasonable Service by Peter Masters
Extract from booklet
MORE THAN fifty years ago this writer listened to two friends who were explaining to a Roman Catholic how far his church had drifted from real Christianity. They described very vividly various features of that church, such as its pomp and ceremony, the pope and all the priests, monks, nuns, robes, candles, crosses, images, and so on, showing how vastly different all this was from the simplicity of the New Testament church. It was a powerful line of argument, and it certainly made an impression on their listener.
Over the years I have often thought of that event, and wondered how well Bible churches really resemble the churches of New Testament times. Do we accurately reflect the fervour and activity of the early church?
This booklet deals with one major area in which we often fall a long way short of the standard of the Bible. It is a sad fact that there are many Bible-believing Christians who do not engage in any meaningful work for the Lord. They loyally attend the services, and may give fairly generous financial support, but they do very little. They appear to be little more than comfortable observers. What do they have in common with the level of activity to which God’s people are exhorted in the Bible? We will examine a number of these exhortations in this booklet.
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