
Children 9 - 12

Bearing Fruit
Courage Has Wings
Gladys Aylward - No Mountain Too High
God Made Them Great
God's Word And Jesus
God's Word And You
Great Kings Of The Bible
Horsing Around
Ivan And The American Journey
Ivan And The Daring Escape
Ivan And The Hidden Bible
Ivan And The Informer
Ivan And The Secret In The Suitcase
John Chrysostom-The Preacher In The Emperor's Court
Jonathan Edwards - America\'s Genius
Martin Luther - for 9-12 year olds
Mary of Orange - At The Mercy Of Kings
Robert Murray McCheyne - Life Is An Adventure
Showdown with the Shepherd
Sowing the Seed
Taking Root
The Beautiful Bride - Rebekah
The Coal Hole Mystery
The Happy Harvest
The Law, The Prince And The Scribe
The Man Who Ran
The Two Margarets - Danger On The Hill
The Westminster Shorter Catechism
They Shall Be Mine
Titanic - The Ship Of Dreams
Twice Freed

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