Full syllabus

Mayflower Bible Lessons has 16 series, mostly with 12-13 Sunday School lessons in each …

Series 1: Creation to Babel
1 God the Creator
2 Creation in Six Days
3 Creation of Man
4 Creation Completed
5 Adam & Eve Disobey
6 Effects of the Fall
7 Cain and Abel
8 Review : Creation and the Fall
9 Noah Builds the Ark
10 Noah Goes into the Ark
11 Noah’s Thanksgiving
12 The Tower of Babel

Series 2: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
1 Abraham Obeys God
2 Abraham – Lot’s Choice
3 Sarah Disbelieves
4 Lot in Sodom
5 Abraham Tells a Lie
6 God’s Promise to Abraham
7 Hagar & Ishmael
8 Abraham’s Faith Tested
9 Isaac is Given a Wife
10 Jacob Deceives Isaac
11 Jacob’s Ladder
12 Jacob’s Marriage
13 Jacob Returns Home

Series 3: Joseph and the Birth of Moses
1 Joseph’s Dreams
2 Joseph’s Coat
3 Joseph in Potiphar’s House
4 Joseph – the Butler & Baker
5 From Prison to Power
6 Joseph’s Dreams Come True
7 Joseph’s Brothers are Tested
8 Joseph’s Family in Egypt
9 Israelite Nation Grows in Egypt
10 Birth of Moses
11 Moses’ Choice
12 Moses’ Call

Series 4: Moses and the Israelites
1 Moses Begins His Work
2 The Plagues
3 The Passover
4 Crossing the Red Sea
5 God Sends Manna
6 Water – God’s Provision
7 Mount Sinai
8 The 10 Commandments
9 The Golden Calf
10 The Spies’ Report
11 The Bronze Snake
12 Review & Death of Moses

Series 5: Joshua to Samuel
1 Joshua the New Leader
2 The Memorial Stones
3 Rahab’s Faith
4 The Fall of Jericho
5 Achan’s Sin
6 Deceit of the Gibeonites
7 Joshua’s Farewell (The Times of the Judges)
8 Gideon is Prepared
9 Gideon’s Victory
10 Samson
11 Birth of Samuel
12 Samuel’s Call

Series 6: The Kings of Israel
1 Saul Rejected & David Chosen
2 David & Goliath
3 David Escapes
4 Saul Hunts David
5 David & Nabal
6 Saul’s Life & Death
7 Mephibosheth
8 David’s Great Sin
9 Absalom Rebels
10 Review – David’s life
11 Solomon’s Choice of Wisdom
12 Visit of Queen of Sheba

Series 7: Elijah, Elisha and Isaiah
1 Elijah & the Famine
2 Elijah on Mount Carmel
3 Elijah – Naboth’s Vineyard
4 Elijah leaves Elisha
5 Elisha and the Bears
6 Elisha Helps a Poor Widow
7 Elisha Restores a Child
8 Elisha Heals the Stew
9 Elisha & Naaman
10 Elisha & the Siege
11 Isaiah – Hezekiah’s Trouble
12 Isaiah – Hezekiah’s Illness

Series 8) Daniel and the Captivity
1 Wicked Manasseh Repents
2 Josiah the Boy King
3 Jeremiah Warns the King
4 Jeremiah in Prison
5 Daniel in Babylon
6 The Fiery Furnace
7 King Nebuchadnezzar
8 Belshazzar’s Feast
9 Daniel in the Lions’ Den
10 Jerusalem Rebuilt
11 Ezra Preaches God’s Word
12 Queen Esther

Series 9: Old Testament People and Extra Creation Topics
1 Ruth Follows Naomi
2 Ruth Gathers Barley
3 Ruth Marries Boaz
4 Jonah Runs Away
5 Jonah and the Fish
6 Jonah and the Plant
7 Job – Loses Everything
8 Job – Suffers Boils
9 *God made the World
10 *God made us Special
11 *Let us Thank God
12 *Children of the Old Testament

Series 10: The Gospel according to Matthew
1 Visit of the Wise Men
2 Escape to Egypt
3 The Temptations
4 Houses on Rock & Sand
5 The Centurion’s Servant
6 John the Baptist Beheaded
7 Jesus Walks on the Water
8 The Transfiguration
9 The Entry into Jerusalem
10 The Talents
11 Jesus Before Pilate
12 The Cross – The Centurion
13 Resurrection – The Stone

Series 11: The Gospel according to Mark
1 John the Baptist’s Preaching
2 Jesus is Baptised
3 The Paralytic Man Healed
4 Man with the Withered Hand
5 The Sower and the Seed
6 The Calming of the Storm
7 Legion is Healed
8 Jairus’ Daughter Healed
9 Blind Bartimaeus
10 Cleansing of the Temple
11 Mary Anoints Jesus
12 Jesus’ Trial & Death
13 Resurrection – The 1st Day

Series 12) The Gospel according to Luke
1 Birth of John the Baptist
2 Angel Gabriel’s Visit
3 The Shepherds
4 Jesus at 12 years old
5 Jesus calls Disciples
6 Widow of Nain
7 Mary & Martha
8 Lost Son
9 Ten Lepers
10 Zacchaeus
11 Plot to Kill Jesus
12 The Cross – Dying Thief
13 Resurrection – Emmaus Road

Series 13: The Gospel according to John
1 Jesus Begins His Work
2 Water into Wine
3 Samaritan Woman
4 The Nobleman’s Son
5 Cripple of Bethesda
6 Feeding of the 5000
7 The Good Shepherd
8 Raising of Lazarus
9 The Last Supper
10 Gethsemane
11 People Around the Cross
12 Resurrection – Mary
13 Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Series 14: The Acts of the Apostles
1 Resurrection & Ascension (Summary)
2 Pentecost & its Effects
3 Ananias & Sapphira
4 Stephen is Stoned
5 Philip & the Ethiopian
6 Peter & Dorcas
7 Peter Visits Cornelius
8 Peter Freed from Prison
9 Paul’s Conversion
10 Paul & Elymas
11 Paul & Silas in Prison
12 Paul’s Shipwreck
13 Paul in Malta & Rome

Series 15: Teachings and Parables of Jesus
1 Salvation – The Lost Sheep
2 Love – The Good Samaritan
3 Salvation – The Great Supper
4 Ambition – The Rich Fool
5 Salvation – The Broad & Narrow Way
6 Forgiveness – The Unforgiving Servant
7 Salvation – The Lost Coin
8 Salvation – The Man Born Blind
9 Hypocrisy – The Pharisees
10 Money – The Rich Young Ruler
11 From Manger to Mountain (Jesus’ Life)
12 The Second Coming – Ten Bridesmaids

Series 16:
This comes in two parts … you can buy them together or separately. We make this option available because some customers want to purchase extra copies of 16b around the time of Christmas.

16a: Episodes in the life of Peter the Apostle
1 Peter Follows Jesus
2 Peter Walks on the Water
3 Peter Sees Jesus’ Power
4 Peter Denies Jesus
5 Peter -The Empty Tomb
6 Breakfast on the Beach
7 Peter at Gate Beautiful

16b: The Birth of Jesus
1 Bethlehem’s Inn
2 Simeon Blesses Jesus
3 The Saviour is Born
4 Birth of Jesus (Part 1)
5 Birth of Jesus (Part 2)

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