
Biographies and Works

Spurgeon - A New Biography
A Pilgrim Path - John Bunyan's Journey
A Stone Made Smooth
Adolphe Monod
Amy Carmichael of Dohnavur
Anne Bradstreet - Pilgrim And Poet
Archibald G. Brown - Spurgeon's Successor
Ardent Love For Jesus
Arthur W. Pink - Life
Beacon Light
Caught In The Web
Charles Simeon: An Ordinary Pastor of Extraordinary Influence
Counting The Cost
Cyprian Of Carthage
David Brainerd - Sweetly Set On God
Fine Gold From Yorkshire
George Muller - Man Of Faith And Miracles
Girolamo Savonarola
Gunpowder, Treason And Plot
Here I Stand
Horizons Of Hope
Hudson Taylor - It Is Not Death To Die PB
Hugh Latimer
Hymns and Spiritual Songs
In God's Company - Christian Giants of Business
In Their Own Words
Isaac Watts Remembered
Isobel Kuhn - By Searching
John (Rabbi) Duncan - Just A Talker
John Brown - Life
John Chrysostom
John Knox
John Newton
John Newton - Through Many Dangers
John Newton And William Wilberforce - Abolition
John Wycliffe - The Dawn Of The Reformation
Jonathan Edwards - A New Biography
Killing Fields Living Fields
Lady Huntingdon and Her Friends
Light From Old Times
Looking Back With ME
Luther And His Katie
Matthew Henry - His Life And Influence
Men Of Destiny
Men Of Purpose
Near to God
Peter Jeffrey - Chains Of Grace
Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Rowland Hill - Life
Samuel Rutherford
Samuel Rutherford
Samuel Rutherford And His Friends
Sing Aloud In Jesus' Name
Some Welsh Ministers
The Beauties of Ebenezer Erskine
The Calvinistic Methodist Fathers Of Wales - 2 Volume Set
The Korean Pentecost And The Sufferings Which Followed
The Reformers - Wycliffe & Huss
The St. Andrews Seven
Theodore Beza - The Man And The Myth
Troubled Journey
Ulrich Zwingli
William Carey And The Missionary Vision
William Gadsby
William Grimshaw Of Haworth
William Wilberforce - Vital Christianity
Women Of Faith And Courage
Wonders Of Grace

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