Review: Ecumenism: Another Gospel: Lausanne’s Road to Rome


Ecumenism: Another Gospel: Lausanne’s Road to RomeOur Price: £5.00, E.S. Williams, Belmont House Publishing

This very important book should cause all who love the gospel of Jesus Christ and have any connection with the Lausanne movement to seriously consider their position.

The author shows how this movement, began with what many would see as the commendable concern for the worldwide spread of the gospel. However, the seeds which would bring about its marked departure from Biblical standards were sown early on. These have come to fruition as it has moved further and further way from the basic principles of Scripture.

It has adopted that which is clearly against the teaching of God’s word and is now promoting a compromised and corrupted message, which is not the true gospel.

The development of the movement is carefully outlined showing its origins and the early influences upon it. The increasingly liberal theology of Fuller Theological Seminary played its part in defining the terms under which Lausanne would be constituted in 1974.

Among the key supporters and nurturers of Lausanne was Billy Graham. His concern to gain support from both liberals and Roman Catholics for his evangelistic crusades, meant that a watered down and weakened message would be that which Lausanne declared. The book reveals John Stott’s accommodating theology and support of Graham, along with his own contribution to the role and character of Lausanne.

The difference between Biblical evangelism and Lausanne’s adopted term, “evangelisation”, with its heavy emphasis on the social gospel, shows the movement’s very different agenda. It is alarming to see Lausanne’s further and subsequent acceleration away true nature of the Great Commission and the true means of furthering it, given to us by the Head of the Church (Matthew 28:19,20 & Mark 16: 15).

Mr Williams shows how the preaching of the Bible has now been replaced by the “Orality movement” which downgrades the written word and believes in storytelling the gospel.

Drama and art are seen as major vehicles for communication of God’s truth. There is also heavy emphasis on politics, feminism, the environment and social justice along with a continuing accommodation of those who deny the true gospel.

Many evangelicals in this country need to examine their own position and support with regard to Lausanne. Churches in the developing world and many missionary organisations are being influenced by it, resulting in many being deflected form the true work of the gospel.

This important book should be widely read and its concerns made widely known.

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Reviewed by: Mayflower Christian Bookshop team member