Review: Rules For Walking in Fellowship

Book review: Rules For Walking in Fellowship

Our Price: £6.00, John Owen, Reformation Heritage Books

John Owen states that our church life and fellowship should increasingly give us that which is a foretaste and glimpse of heaven.

He sees the local church as a divine institution of God – the place that God has given so that His people can prosper and be helped, as they walk together to glory.

He then gives 24 rules by which our church life can flourish. These are drawn from the Scriptures, with many proof texts being provided.

He starts with the role and regard of the pastor. He then shows what the duties are that each member has toward all others. Words of motivation and brief explanations encourage us in our obedience.

Among the topics covered are, “Preserving Unity,” “Engaging in Spiritual Conversation,” “Bearing With One Another’s Faults,” “Being Wary of Those Who Divide the Church,” “Paying the Pastor’s Salary.”

Human nature and our society promote the desire to be self-centred and to ignore any obligations to others. This attitude can rub off on Christians.

This book is a timely reminder of the glory and privilege of church membership and of fact that we are meant to be joined to a body. In that local church we are to cultivate and cherish our fellowship as we make our way to glory.

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Reviewed by: Mayflower Christian Bookshop team member