Review: Samuel Rutherford – Bitesize Biographies

Samuel Rutherford - Bitesize Biographies

Samuel Rutherford – Bitesize Biographies


Our Price: £6.99, Richard M Hannula (Bitesize Biographies), Evangelical Press

Samuel Rutherford was a man who knew an intense love for Christ. Called to a small rural congregation in Anworth, he served his flock faithfully – seeing a blessing on his ministry, as many came from the surrounding region to hear his Christ exalting sermons.

His letters, written to members of his congregation and to other acquaintances, always point the recipient to Christ and exalt the faithfulness and character of the Christian’s Saviour. So used of God were they that the letters were circulated widely and used to help persecuted believers just a few years after they were written. Spurgeon said that Rutherford’s letters were in many ways second only to the Bible in the way they exalted King Jesus.

Exiled by Charles I to Aberdeen, Rutherford was eventually appointed Dean of Theology  at St Andrew’s University. He was a gifted theologian and had a key role in church affairs in Scotland before, during and after the English Civil War. He made a vital contribution to the work of the Westminster Assembly. He went to the glory he longed for before he could be tried as a result of the restoration of the Stuart monarchy.

The Samuel Rutherford biography is short, yet insightful. This moving account is a must for any who want to be introduced to a man that had such a deep love and experience of Christ. It gives a short and yet comprehensive picture for those who want to further understand how the Reformation developed in Scotland.

Rutherford, being a Presbyterian, had a view of the church which independents and Baptists would not share. He looked upon the whole nation of Scotland as being under Christ and was willing to encourage the taking up of arms to defend what he believed was the cause of right Christianity.

Though we would not share this view, there can be no doubt that this account of the man who had such an intense love for Christ is truly heart warming and very challengingHe once said: ‘Should you not then give your best things to Christ? For He gave the best things He had for you’. This man lived what he preached.

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Reviewed by: Mayflower Christian Bookshop team member