By Andy Banton Our Price £10
This book provides an excellent challenge to us all, whether churches or individuals, as to our regard of the importance and place of evangelism.
This is an excellent resource – full of Scriptural reasoning and helpful illustrations and anecdotes. It gives a through justification as to the continuing place of street preaching and evangelism as well as suggesting other legitimate means of spreading the gospel.
It was very refreshing to read a book in which the author has a zeal for encouraging churches to spread the gospel and yet who is unaffected and opposed to so much un-Scriptural modern innovation. The folly of using drama and acting the gospel is made clear. We must avoid venues (such as night-clubs and pubs) which would undermine our message. All who seek to undertake such a ministry should be under the oversight of a local church. The dangers of divisionism and what to say to those who are seeking is helpfully addressed. The necessity of having a clear understanding of the early chapters of Genesis is rightly stressed as is hopelessness of trying to reason from the viewpoint of Theistic Evolution.
There is a helpful chapter on the preparation of the preacher an of those who seek to witness. It is also stressed that the main purpose of evangelism not just to see many souls saved (though we am for this) but ultimately is to glorify God.
Though there are these very helpful and necessary correctives, this book is very positive and through many anecdotes of those recently converted through open air work, we are encouraged and reinvigorated to renew and redouble our efforts to take out the gospel.
A book to be commended to all gospel loving believers and those who are in positions of leadership in churches.
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