Author Archives: Steve Fountain

Review: Jewels from John Newton (Daily Readings from the Works of John Newton)

John NewtonSelected by Miller Ferrie, Our Price £15.50

There is great spiritual help to be found in all of the writings by John Newton. This is a collection of daily readings from his works, which are mostly made up of his correspondence.

His Cardiphonia (letters) have been treasured by pastors for many years and give real insight and wisdom in how to deal with those who have various spiritual conditions and concerns.

The teaching of God’s word, Christian experience and practice are all beautifully combined and balanced in the counsel given by John Newton.

john Newton readily admits his own failures and struggles and uses the lessons he has learned to encourage others. Ever turning the reader to God’s grace and the riches we have in Christ, these readings provide much food and balm to the soul.

To read and meditate on the portion given for each day, cannot but deepens and gladden the believers walk with God.

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Review: Wonderfully Made – God’s Story of Life from Conception to Birth

God made usby Danika Cooley, Our Price: £6.99

(Discretion needed) God made us … and this beautifully illustrated book introduces children to the wonder of creation through the miracle of conception, formation in the womb and birth.

It describes the amazing development of a baby inside its mother and refers to all that God was doing and had planned in each stage of the growth of the baby.

Sensitively written and with lovely colour illustrations and information on the size and make up of  the growing baby, continual reference is made to the Scriptures (especially Psalm 139) so as to show the care and knowledge God has, even of a baby growing in the womb.

The fact that in the opening illustration sperms and eggs are seen to be coming together may mean that some parents may wish to wait until they are happy for the child to know of this. The text that accompanies this picture is discreet and written in a sensitive way, without going into too greater detail.

The book makes it clear that every baby is a precious  individual made in God’s image and that each one is fearfully and wonderfully made. A lovely book on how God made us.

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Review: Is Church Membership Biblical?

Is Church Membership Biblicalby Ryan M. McGraw & Ryan Speck, Our Price: £1.85

This small booklet convincingly lays before us the necessity of church membership for those who profess to follow Christ. It shows how God sees His people as those belonging to a gathered and defined group of people.

That group of people is also described as a body and a family. The case is clearly made from the word of God that these Scriptural descriptions can only be fulfilled if we belong to a local church.

The interdependence and responsibility believers have to each other is also seen as necessitating church membership.

The Scriptural practices of rule by elders and church discipline become meaningless if there is no recognised church membership. Common objections to church membership are answered persuasively.

Independence and freedom of association are very much stressed in our society today. This can affect Christians who feel they should not be “tied down” by committing themselves to one particular church.

Such an attitude is not only going against the clear teaching of God’s word, but does not appreciate the privileges and blessing that are to be had from joining a faithful local church.

Those in Christ’s heavenly kingdom should join with the earthly body that reflects it.

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Review: How Can I Cultivate Private Prayer?

Private Prayerby Joel R. Beeke, Our Price: £1.85

There are times when every believer can struggle with their private prayer life. We can often feel a lack regarding the depth and extent of our praying. This booklet seeks to help.

The author starts by speaking of our need to take stock as to our praying and then reminds us of certain key points the Scriptures teach us about prayer – such as the value and priority of prayer and the need to sincere in our prayers.

Helpful advice is given as to how we can pray “without ceasing”. We are encouraged to be organised in our praying and to use the Bible as a guide.

We are reminded that we can only approach God by the person and work of Christ. We must plead God’s promises, realise that that the three persons of the Trinity are all involved in our praying, believe that God hears us and remember to aim for God’s glory, knowing that God sees our hearts and delights to use our prayers.

This book is packed with helpful counsel and is a great help to all who long to deepen their prayer lives and desire to know more of the blessing of private prayer.

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Review: What is Repentance?

What is Repentanceby Jeremy Walker, Reformed Heritage Books, Our Price: £1.85

This booklet helpfully describes that which always accompanies saving faith in Christ – repentance. The spirit of the age says that we are not to feel bad about ourselves but to build up our own self esteem.

Yet we are told in the word of God that there is a need for repentance before we can know salvation. This is something that Christ, by His Spirit, gives to those who are truly brought into the kingdom. The Christian life is then to be one where we are often found repenting of sin.

The author shows us the true nature of repentance. It is first a turning from sin. This true turning from sin is more than just a remorse for the consequences or guilt sins brings. It fundamentally recognises that sin is against God.

Repentance is also a turning to God. Helpful portraits of repentance are then drawn out from the Scriptures so as to show its true quality and effect on the life of the one who knows it. Practical steps are then described so as to encourage this ongoing blessing of repentance from sin in the life and heart of the believer.

This booklet is one that every Christian should read, so as to remind themselves of the place of repentance in their daily lives. It gives help to pastors – reminding them of those elements they should look for in those who profess. It is also an excellent book to give to those who are seeking.

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Review: Help! Someone I Love Has Dementia

Help! Someone I Love Has Dementiaby Jo Johnson, Day One, Our Price: £2.50

From the cover of the booklet …

“A diagnosis of dementia usually comes as a great shock. Christians are not promised exemption from ill-health or the distress that comes with a difficult diagnosis.

This booklet sets out the basic facts about dementia, corrects some common misconceptions and gives practical ideas for supporting loved ones. The booklet ends with a biblical understanding of dementia, offering hope and comfort to the individual as well as family and friends.”

A basic guide as to how to know the Lord’s help in dealing with dementia, with helpful practical advice.

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Review: Every Promise of Your Word: The Gospel According to Joshua

book of Joshuaby Rhett P. Dodson, Our Price: £15.50

In this book the author shows how “whatever was written before was written for our learning…” He firstly makes clear the historical setting of the book of Joshua and then clarifies its purpose in the work of redemption.

Many helpful applications, for the church and for Christians today, flow from this.

God’s faithfulness to His covenant is seen as a confirmation of His faithfulness to all His promises and purposes, including those which speak of the end times and a new heavens and a new earth.

We are challenged by the book. “Like Israel assembled at Shechem to renew the covenant, a choice lies before you. Will you be faithful to Jesus, the one who has been faithful for you?”

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Review: Is it True? Evidence for the Bible

Is it True - Evidence for the Bibleby Clive Anderson and Brian Edwards, Day One, Our Price: £1.00

This small pocket booklet is worth its weight in gold. In a few pages it shows some of the many evidences there are for the trustworthiness of the Bible.

Amongst some of the archaeological finds it lists are those concerning Noah and the world wide flood, the Hittites, the conquest of Canaan all the way through to the defeat of the Babylonian empire, the rebuilding of the temple and then into the New Testament era with the census under Caesar Augustus and Pontius Pilate.

The reader’s attention is shown how all these discoveries time and again, so wonderfully confirm the accuracy of God’s word. Though we know salvation is a work of God’s grace and that no one can be saved through being “argued” into the kingdom, apologetics help to clear away stumbling blocks so as to allow a sincere consideration of the truth.

This booklet is of great encouragement to the believer, but also an invaluable tool in evangelism. Pocket size, several could be carried and distributed to inquirers and those we have opportunity to witness to, so as to confront them with the need to seriously consider God’s infallible word.

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Review: Big Bible Science – Experiment and Explore God’s World

by Erin Lee Green, Christian Focus, Our Price: £7.99Bible Science

This full colour and attractively illustrated book is a great resource for those who teach science to children.

Big Bible Science provides 21 experiments that can be performed using apparatus available to many in their homes. Its aim is to enable children to explore God’s word and God’s world.

There is a good mix of solid science and clear devotional content which relates what is learnt to relevant parts of God’s word.

Each lesson in Big Bible Science outline includes clear objectives, lists of materials, “the Big Idea” – a scientific explanation that gives a Biblical perspective, demonstrations, games and experiments, how to apply what is learnt and extension for more able pupils.

Some mini biographies at the end provide information for further study on famous scientists, many of whom were Christians.

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Review: The Forgotten Fear: Where Have All the God-Fearers Gone

fear of the Lordby Albert N. Martin, Reformed Heritage Books, Our Price:  £9.25

The Bible assures us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But what is the fear of the Lord? This book uses the word of God to describe it and illustrate it. It’s prominence in Biblical thought and of those whose experience is recorded for us in the word of God is highlighted.

What are the ingredients of the fear of God? What is its source? How is it cultivated? What effect will it have on those who know it? This book shows us how this profound sense of God’s greatness along with a pervasive sense of His presence, allied to a constraining sense of our obligations to Him, is essential to practical goodliness and worship.

This book is very much needed at this time, when the fear of God is disappearing from many church’s witness and worship. It is written with a pastoral tenderness and searching application and should cause all who read it to see the need to, “Serve the Lord with fear and rejoice with trembling.”

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